Quit Smoking Now!


"Nothing is easier than stopping smoking. I've given it up twenty times in the last five years."
Are you afraid that those cigarettes are finally going to kill you? Are you frustrated with failed attempts at quitting? Valley Acupuncture Health Solutions can free you once and for all with gentle auricular acupuncture treatments that really work.
Quit Smoking with Acupuncture
  • People who seek out acupuncture for smoking cessation are usually highly motivated to quit smoking. They may have attempted to quit previously without success, but now feel that they are ready. Their reasons for wanting to stop smoking are varied. Some may have developed health problems from smoking, such as shortness of breath, a chronic cough or an increased frequency of colds and flu; others may not be experiencing adverse health consequences, but want to prevent them from developing and improve their health. Some decide to stop smoking when a loved one develops a smoking-related illness such as emphysema or lung cancer.The diseases associated with smoking are widely known. Many no longer want the expense and dependency of tobacco or they feel a social pressure not to smoke. Ultimately, one has to want to quit smoking for him or herself and not for anyone else, or it just won't work. They have to be self-motivated. Every person who chooses acupuncture to quit smoking has a strong desire to quit now, rather than putting it off indefinitely.
        What Does the Treatment Involve?
  • The acupuncture program for smoking cessation at Valley Acupuncture consists of six visits. Before your first appointment, you are required to inform the physician about your smoking history and health background via a quick telephone consultation. The consult assists in identifying the behaviors, habits and triggers that lead to smoking. Some are social smokers, some smoke for pleasure, some smoke alone or for emotional reasons or when stressed. Nicotine is a powerful mood-altering chemical that can be sedating or stimulating, depending on the individual.A few examples of triggers for smoking are:
  • Smoking when on the phone
  • Smoking when angry, upset, sad or lonely
  • Smoking when drinking coffee or alcohol
At the first appointment, your consultation is reviewed and discussed, and a physical exam including blood pressure, Qi evaluation , and methods from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) such as taking the pulse and observing the tongue are employed. The purpose of this interview is to determine the Chinese medical diagnosis for you and the individualized treatment you will receive. Taking into account each person's unique smoking habits and physical and emotional make-up, every patient's acupuncture treatment is tailor-made and designed for him or her.  At this session, you learn to identify your particular triggers for smoking and how to avoid them. You will also receive acupuncture, which will reduce the cravings and lessen the withdrawal symptoms associated you’re your efforts to quit smoking. Since the first month of quitting is probably the most difficult, the acupuncture program can ease you through this time.The next five sessions are acupuncture treatments to help you stop smoking. Up to the night before the first acupuncture treatment, you may smoke your last cigarette ever. From that point on, you will be a nonsmoker. The six acupuncture treatments for your quit smoking program are spaced out over two to three weeks, usually three treatments the first week, and then based on your individual needs. The treatments focus on any physical or emotional withdrawal symptoms that may arise, and also aid in relaxation. Of course, if you are having difficulty quitting, the program may be modified to fit your needs.

Does It Just Involve the Ear or Are Other Points Involved?
  • There are no "magic" acupuncture points for smoking cessation. Each patient is custom-treated according to his or her specific and unique diagnosis. Usually a combination of body acupuncture points and points on the ear are used. After the needles are inserted, you will relax for about 30 minutes.
        Are There Any Other Techniques Used Between Sessions?
  • Often you are prescribed herbs or supplements to control cravings or withdrawal symptoms. Exercise is encouraged and dietary recommendations are given (foods to avoid and foods to be included during the withdrawal phase). A series of small seeds will also be adhered onto a specific points on the ear to reduce cravings.
        How Does It Compare With Other Methods?
  • Because the acupuncture smoking termination program is individualized, it is often successful for those who have been unable to stop smoking through other methods. Often, our patients may have tried Nicorette gum, the nicotine patch or some type of organized program. If the individual sticks with it, the acupuncture quitting program can lead to permanent cessation.
  • How Much Does the Program Cost?
  • Addiction Packets Include:

Microsystem Ear Acupuncture
Meridian System Acupuncture
Package of 6 $507.00     * Usually done 2-3 days apart.
Valley Acupuncture Health Solutions
319 W State Street, Suite 210
Geneva, IL  60134
(630) 208-4678
Give us a call today to find out how we can help you return to optimal health and wellness!